Black Magic Vessels


Our first collection of resin vessels. The Black Magic Collection is inspired by the concept of revealing that which has been hidden from sight, but remains ever-present.

Gazing toward the past, to cultures and civilizations at the edge of our awareness, we sought out places where magic and ritual are ingrained in all aspects of life. We chose to name our pieces for these places where we found our inspiration for both pattern and palette.



Each Black Magic Vessel is designed with hand selected palette and our experimental rotocasting process involving casting dozens of layers of hand-pigmented resin. After weeks of initial casting, each unique vessel is hand cut, carved and polished to reveal unexpected complex patterns deep within the striated layers.


Our Black Magic Vessels lead to the creation of our unique composite resin— MetaMATERIAL. As we shaped the vessels, we also collected material removed. Corners and faceted shards became an archive of possibilities of intricately patterned raw material to evolve into future MetaMATERIAL designs.

Our Frequency MetaMATERIAL designs feature a symphony of finely detailed lines and forms, cast in a range of unique colors and patterns. Meanwhile, our MetaMURALS showcase enlarged patterns born from the small pieces of material removed during the vessel-making process.

All of our resin work captures play and chance while revealing and reimagining materials both physically and conceptually, but our Black Magic Vessels sparked the endless possibilities of unique patterns made by the process itself.
